I think we can all agree that at that point, I was in what is referred to as "in crisis."
I was led into the ER and passed through the waiting room. So I guess I was getting the VIP treatment. I was taken into a room and offered a seat. Sitting with handcuffs behind your back is not what I would refer to as comfortable.
An officer was standing in the doorway, I guess to make sure that I didn't take the cuffs off and tear the place up. Actually, I kinda understood why they left them on. When I was in college I worked at a psych unit in a hospital. I had seen more than my fair share of guys that tried to do just that with limited success.
After a few moments of silence, the office stepped out of the room and then came in. He said that if I continued to be calm, they would take the cuffs off. I was reminded that this was based on my continued cooperation.

As the blood began to flow through my hands again, I enjoyed the moment of silence. It was several moments and quite honestly, all of the morning's events was kinda sensory overload. It was cool in that ER room and no one pointing a gun at me or yelling at me was a welcome relief. I was finally able to shut out much of my surroundings.
I think I mentioned the 12 year old officer that was trying to make small talk with me during the period of no cuffs in an earlier post. Was a bit odd, to say the least. But the quiet allowed my mind to slow down a bit.
And then my wife walked in.
She did not run in and scold me or anything dramatic. She simply knelt down to hug me. I had never been so embarrassed in my life. I had truly failed as her husband and partner. I can say so with no hesitation that was the absolute lowest moment in my life. Obviously, my thinking was still quite distorted and I was not well. At that moment, all I could do was hate myself even more for not having the balls to go through with it. If only I had just pulled the trigger, I wouldn't have to face this moment.
How fucking selfish of me.
Even though I had it all figured out so that I would park somewhere so that the family wouldn't have to deal with me and that I would shoot myself outside so no one would have to clean up, I was still so clueless about the effects. And as I sat there with my wife holding me, and shame washing all over me, all I could do was think of how I could have avoided this moment by pulling the trigger.
I tried to fight the tears but was unsuccessful. I began shaking as she held me tighter. She continued to tell me that it was ok and that we would get through this. That she loved me and that I was going to get the help I needed. My spiral into despair continued. I did not deserve her and she certainly did not deserve me. I couldn't look at her and I couldn't hug her. I have done lots of stupid shit in my life for which I was mortified upon realization, but this was the absolute worst. It would have been so much better if she had come in and told me what a fucking asshole I was. But she just had to the take the damn empathetic and loving approach. Damn her.
I was no longer that tough guy that proudly walked out of Cabelas with a new gun. I was a shattered man that has reached rock bottom. Actually, that guy was pretty shattered but had yet to face any of it. Well, it was now time to face the reality of my mental health.
The point of this one is to remind you that when you are in a serious depression, it is impossible to think ahead. The fallout of your actions is the furthest thing from you at that point. Really, I had not yet begun to face the fallout but it was the very beginning of realizing just how selfish I was being. I had devastated the people that I loved and loved me. I had put them through something that no one should ever have to go through. And not accepting responsibility for that would be the shittiest thing ever.
Don't kid yourself, you can't do this alone. You cannot cure your cancer on your own. You cannot diagnose your diabetes on your own. Talk to someone. And dont beat yourself up once you get to the place of realizing you need help. Push the self hatred to the side, you have time for that later.